In the UK, there are no regulations laid down by the English Kennel Club regarding health tests for any breed, except for members of the Assured Breeder Scheme, of which I am a member, with all accolades – including special Accolade of Excellence, therefore breeders who are not members are able to breed from dogs which have not had the relevant health tests carried out, or those which have poor health test results. On a personal level I believe in ensuring that wherever possible I check for defects before breeding, and below I have detailed the health test results from dogs bred or owned at Elbereth.

I am often asked how long do lapphund live for and the stock answer is 12-14 – and interestingly analysing some 39 Elbereth dogs below where exact age of death is known – the average is 13.3 years (oldest reaching 17).

The Kennel Club now provide an online search facility where you can find health test results though for eye tests they only show if a dog is clear for PRA – results for cataracts and MRD are not shown

  • Hip Displasia – the Uk scoring system works by measuring a number of key angles around the hips socket, and giving points, the maximum possible for any breed is 53 on each hip – i.e. a total score of 106. Different breeds have different averages, and the BVA advises breeding from dogs with scores around or below the breed average. (for latest averages check out )
  • Eye schemes – in UK the KC and BVA now recognises the condition PRA in Finnish Lapphund and the results from Jan 04 are published in the Breed Record supplement under the same scheme as above. However whilst hereditary cataracts are accepted to exist in the breed in Finland the incidence has been too low to date in UK for the BVA to include testing for this condition in the above scheme.

For Finnish Lapphunds there is now a DNA Test for PRCD-1 and Pompe (All the Lapphunds used in breeding have been tested , results of Elbereth bred/owned dogs are shown below on this web page)

Date of BirthNameStudbook NoColourAdditional Information not recorded by Kennel Club
3/25/2004Elbereth AamuTricolour
5/31/2012Elbereth Aihetta JuhlaanWolf SableTesticles normal – neutered as adult
3/3/2009Elbereth Ainokainen2830CYBrown Tricolourpompe tested normal – neutered as adult
epilepsy at 9 years of age – on medication
8/28/2005Elbereth Apina At Pavoskas2947CWTricolourpompe tested normal – neutered as adult, proven brood

Died 12/7/19 – nearly 14 years old
4/26/2000Elbereth EnkeliTricolourproven brood – died 14/5/2015 aged nearly 15 years
3/30/2005Elbereth HaaveTricolourdied 28/7/18 aged 13 years
3/9/1998Elbereth HaltiTricolourdied 26/6/2015 – aged 17 years
2/4/1996Elbereth Hassu Of ShirdeesTricolourproven stud – deceased
8/2/2013Elbereth HelmiWolf SableCClosed angle glaucoma (one eye removed)
5/8/2009Elbereth Hile Of MorvalTricolour
5/31/2012Elbereth HunajakarhuWolf SableTesticles normal
3/9/1998Elbereth HupiTricolourdeceased
3/25/2004Elbereth HuurrehuntuWolf SablePrcd-1 carrier Pompe normal DM Clear
3/25/2004Elbereth Huvi For ArianrhodTricolourproven brood died 15 years
8/28/2005Elbereth Ilo At StarlappsTricolourpompe tested normal – neutered as adult, proven brood died 30/7/18 aged 13 – kidney failure
3/12/2008Elbereth Impi IkilempiTricolour
10/29/2006Elbereth Jalo At ArktinenTricolourTesticles normal – neutered as adult died 14 years
3/20/2003Elbereth JarkkoTricolourTesticles normal – deceased aged 16.5
5/31/2012Elbereth Kaikki Meille AllforusWolf Sablepompe tested normal – proven brood
2/4/1996Elbereth KaikuTricolourproven brood – deceased
8/12/2007Elbereth Kaisa At Arktinen1637CWTricolourpompe tested normal – proven brood
5/31/2012Elbereth KeijoWolf SableTesticles normal
8/28/2005Elbereth KeloWolf Sable Tan & WhiteTesticles normal – died aged 16 years
4/24/2006Elbereth Keskiyo For InfindigoTricolourTesticles normal -proven stud – neutered as adult

Thyroid deficiency
3/5/2009Elbereth Kia Joins Bridus1127CWTricolourCataracts (glaucoma arising from cataracts) – neutered as adult – died aged 12
1/21/2014Elbereth Kiasma At MorvalWolf Sablepompe normal – proven brood

DM hereditary clear
4/10/2011Elbereth KiitosTricolourneutered
10/6/2003Elbereth KimmiTricolourTesticles normal -proven stud – neutered as adult – died nearly 14 years
3/12/2008Elbereth Kippis To Pavoskas1635CWTricolourTesticles normal -proven stud – neutered as adult
3/20/2003Elbereth KivaTricolourTesticles normal
3/5/2009Elbereth Kukka At CochochrWolf SableDied of pancreatitis aged 2
3/25/2004Elbereth KultaTricolour
10/29/2006Elbereth Kuutamo D’ YpreauWolf Sableproven brood died nearly 14
4/24/2006Elbereth KykyWolf Sableproven brood – thyroid deficiency as veteran (managed with medication) – died aged 15
8/12/2007Elbereth LapinkultaTricolouronly one testicle/neutered – died aged 15 years
1/21/2014Elbereth LapintaikaWolf Sablepompe normal

DM hereditary clear
thyroid deficiency at 5 years of age (managed with medication)
9/12/2011Elbereth Leena At CannyyattonBrown Tan & Whitepompe normal – proven brood
4/26/2000Elbereth LeijonaTricolourTesticles normal – deceased
3/25/2004Elbereth LempiTricolour
5/31/2012Elbereth LiekkiTricolour
3/9/1998Elbereth LumiCreamdeceased aged 14
1/17/2018Elbereth Lumenlumo3954DECreamPompe hereditary clear
PRA Clear
Hips 5/5 scored under Australian National scheme
4/10/2011Elbereth LumikkoTricolour
1/21/2014Elbereth LumipyryCreampompe normal – Testicles normal
DM hereditary clear
4/26/2000Elbereth LusaTricolourdeceased aged 14
8/2/2013Elbereth Maanantain OtsoTricolourCataracts
8/12/2007Elbereth MahtavaTricolouronly one testicle/neutered – died nearly 15 years of age
4/24/2006Elbereth ManuTricolouronly one testicle/neutered
mild epilepsy – controlled by medication died 14 years
10/29/2006Elbereth Marja1638CWTricolourneutered
3/5/2009Elbereth Matkamies0600CWWolf SableTwo normal testicles, proven stud, all puppies with normal testicles and bite, DNA profiled.
Two puppies to E Tiia with cataracts, two with glaucoma
DM clear
Thyroid deficiency at 10 years old(managed with medication)
8/2/2013Elbereth MattiTricolourTesticles normal, Closed angle glaucoma (one eye removed) & Uveitis
4/10/2011Elbereth Maunu At BludayleTricolourTesticles normal – deceased (owners decision)
1/21/2014Elbereth MerihelmiTricolourneutered
DM hereditary clear
4/24/2006Elbereth Mikko0599CWTricolourTesticles normal – proven stud – deceased aged 10 (heart disease)
5/31/2012Elbereth Miskakarhu4540CYTricolourTesticles normal
neutered as adult
9/12/2011Elbereth MyrskyTricolourTesticles normal
9/12/2011Elbereth Myssy Joins BridusTricolourpompe normal – proven brood
4/26/2000Elbereth Nalle At HildrekTricolourTesticles normal – proven stud – deceased
2/4/1996Elbereth NattiTricolourdeceased – died 14 years
4/10/2011Elbereth NicotiemusTricolourTesticles normal – neutered as adult
4/24/2006Elbereth NikoTricolourTesticles normal – deceased 4/1/19 aged 12.75 cancer
4/26/2000Elbereth Noki With OberitzTricolourProven brood – died 11 years
8/28/2005Elbereth NorppaWolf Sable Tan & WhiteTesticles normal – neutered as adult, died 3/11/2018 aged 13 – kidney failure
3/25/2004Elbereth Onnekas For InfindigoTricolourProven brood – deceased aged 11.5
4/10/2011Elbereth OnniTricolourTesticles normal pompe normal, proven stud (neutered)
3/20/2003Elbereth OskariTricolourDied in Road traffic accident
3/20/2003Elbereth OsmoTricolourTesticles normal – proven stud – affected by Cushings – deceased aged 11
10/6/2003Elbereth OtsoTricolourCataracts – died 12 years
2/4/1996Elbereth Peikko Of GlenchessTricolourTesticles normal – proven stud – deceased
1/21/2014Elbereth Pelinainen0655DAWolf SablePompe normal DM hereditary clear
proven brood
8/12/2007Elbereth Penikka1128CWTricolourpompe normal – proven brood – neutered – died 13 years
8/2/2013Elbereth PikkuinenTricolourpompe normal – neutered
3/20/2003Elbereth PilkkuTricolourTesticles normal – deceased aged 12
2/4/1996Elbereth PuuskaTricolourTesticles normal – deceased
8/12/2007Elbereth RikuBlack & WhiteTesticles normal – died 13 years
3/25/2004Elbereth RoosaBear Brown Tan & WhiteDied 15 years
3/9/1998Elbereth Runo In BernaviaTricolourProven sire – deceased
10/6/2003Elbereth Sankari At AubericBear Brown Tan & WhiteTesticles normal – proven sire – neutered as adult – died 15 years
3/20/2003Elbereth SatuTricolourProven brood – died 14 years
8/12/2007Elbereth SeppoTricolourTesticles normal – deceased
10/29/2006Elbereth SohviTricolourdied few months off 14
8/28/2005Elbereth SusiTricolourdeceased aged 14
4/24/2006Elbereth Suvi At CochochrTricolourCataracts
Diabetes as veteran – died 14 years
5/31/2012Elbereth Suvituuli1158CZTricolourproven brood
4/26/2000Elbereth TaikaTricolourDied nearly 17
3/30/2005Elbereth TaivasTricolourDied 16 years of age
9/12/2011Elbereth Tarmo4725CXTricolourTesticles normal – proven stud
10/6/2003Elbereth Taru At PavoskasTricolourProven brood – died 14 years
9/12/2011Elbereth TaskuvarasBrown Tan & WhiteMRD
5/8/2009Elbereth TeemuTricolouronly one testicle/neutered
5/8/2009Elbereth TiiaTricolourProven brood
4/26/2000Elbereth ToiveTricolourProven brood – died aged 15
1/21/2014Elbereth TorstiWolf SableTesticles normal – pompe normal
DM hereditary clear
3/30/2005Elbereth TosiTricolourTesticles normal – Died aged 12
10/29/2006Elbereth TuikkuTricolouronly one testicle/neutered
7/1/2017Elbereth Tuulenpoika2250DETricolourproven stud
PRCD-1 Carrier Pompe normal
9/12/2011Elbereth Tulin Kaukaa For LimishkaTricolourTesticles normal
4/26/2000Elbereth Tuukka Of TabanyaruuTricolourTesticles normal – proven stud – deceased aged 11
8/28/2005Elbereth TuulaWolf Sabledeceased aged 10 (kidney failure)
2/4/1996Elbereth Tuuli Of KamashellTricolourDeceased
9/12/2011Elbereth TuuriTricolourTesticles normal
3/12/2008Elbereth TyyneTricolourDied at 7 weeks in tragic accident – choked on grass
10/6/2003Elbereth UkkoTricolourTesticles normal – died aged 16
8/12/2007Elbereth Unikko At LappvikenTricolourProven brood
3/5/2009Elbereth UskoTricolourTesticles normal
8/2/2013Elbereth ValkotassuTricolourCataracts
3/25/2004Elbereth VeliTricolouronly one testicle/neutered deceased 9/10/18
3/30/2005Elbereth ViekasTricolouronly one testicle/neutered PRA affected – obedience winner died aged 14
2/12/2015Lecibsin Ukas to ElberethTricolourTesticles normal – DNA profiled
DM carrier
All male puppies have fully descended testicles to date
One offspring identified with Addisons disease
8/21/2009Shacal Reilu PeliWolf sablePompe/PRCD normal Proven brood
DM clear – died aged 11
11/4/2014Tilkkuturkin Hallantuoma to ElberethWolf sablePompe normal